How Do Bifocal Glasses Work?

How Do Bifocal Glasses Work?

Bifocal glasses are a popular solution for individuals with both distance and near vision problems. While most people are familiar with the visible line that separates the two different powers in bifocals, there’s more to understand regarding how these glasses...
How Prescription Glasses Can Protect You From the Sun

How Prescription Glasses Can Protect You From the Sun

For individuals who wear prescription glasses, finding a way to combine clear vision with effective sun protection has long been a challenge. Having to carry around a separate pair of prescription sunglasses can be inconvenient and cumbersome. Thankfully, there are...
Is the Height of a Bifocal Height?

Is the Height of a Bifocal Height?

When it comes to ordering bifocal glasses or progressive addition lenses, one crucial measurement that often goes unnoticed is the segment height. This measurement determines the placement of the bifocal or progressive segment in the lenses and plays a vital role in...
3 Things To Know About Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

3 Things To Know About Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

If your child is prescribed glasses to wear full-time, it is important to wear the glasses as directed by the eye doctor. One of the biggest causes of a lazy eye, also called amblyopia, is one eye consistently not seeing as well as the other. If the prescription...