What Chemicals Burn the Eye?

What Chemicals Burn the Eye?

Many chemicals, including several commonly found around the house, can cause severe injury if they get into the eyes.   Acids vs Bases Both acids, or chemicals with a pH lower than 7, and bases, chemicals with a pH higher than 7, can injure the eyes. Most...
How to Protect Your Eyes from UV Light

How to Protect Your Eyes from UV Light

As summer approaches, more time will be spent outdoors enjoying the longer days, warmer weather, and, especially, lots of sunshine! While time outdoors is a great way to get active and can be a benefit to health, protecting your eyes from the UV light of the sun...
What is an Ocular Migraine?

What is an Ocular Migraine?

You are sitting at home one quiet Sunday afternoon reading the paper, and suddenly the words you are trying to read blur. Nothing you do helps the situation, reading glasses, rubbing your eyes, artificial tears—the words are just blurred out, almost as if they never...
What is a Stye?

What is a Stye?

Most people have heard of, if not experienced for themselves, an eyelid stye. The painful, red, swollen lumpy bump that always seems to appear at the most inconvenient time.   What is a Stye? Why do they occur? A stye is better known in the medical community as a...
How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

When it comes to the eyes, you only get two! This means we need to do our best the keep them happy and healthy. Before we get into our tips for keeping the eyes healthy, we’ll go over the different ocular structures and how the eyes work.   Ocular Anatomy The...